I have come up with a new 101 things in 1001 days list of goals I want to accomplish and experiences I want to have. This is my second list. I didn't finish the first list but I made this one a little more realistic and I am so excited to start! If you haven't heard of this, it is a fun way to set goals and have fun experiences. It's pretty simply, make a list of 101 things you want to accomplish in 1001 days! I'll keep you posted as I complete the list!
1) Go to the Thanksgiving Point tulip festival
2) Go to Great Salt Lake
3) Paint ten pictures--Loving my new hobby!
4) Enter the WOW Women on Writing contest--It is a fun National contest. I've won the short story contest before. Maybe I'll enter the creative non-fiction contest.
5) Submit something to the Ensign--A goal I've had for awhile
6) Submit a family name to the temple--I've actually never done it and I'm excited to learn how!
7) Make lemon beeswax furniture polish--Yes, I'm a domestic dork but I can't wait to try this!
8) Start a new tradition--I love traditions!
9) Watch the Grey Gardens documentary--I am fascinated by the story of the Beale women!
10) Make a quilt--I want to do a patchwork quilt with one square representing someone I love.
11) Make dishes decorated with Sharpie markers--Always wanted to try this!
12) Make homemade pine cleaner--cleaning vinegar + pine needles
13) Write a kindle book about traditions for Amazon
14) Go to a temple I've never been before
15) Learn the language of flowers--Excited to learn what different flowers mean.
16) Invent a new recipe
17) Go to Evermore Park--Can't wait for it to open!
18) Write a fairy tale
19) Write a Little Women missing story--Coming on the 150th anniversary of Little Women coming out.
20) Go to Riverton Park.--One of my favorite parks growing up. Haven't been in over 20 years.
21) Have a random acts of kindness day--Excited to plan!
22) Find my signature waffle recipe--I love waffles!
23) Get something at the Bluebird soda fountain--Never been but always wanted to go!
24) Make my own milk bath
25) Go to the National Parks 3D adventure--another cool experience at Thanksgiving Point!
26) Make homemade bath fizzies
27) Go see a dermatologist
28) Host a childhood potluck--Everyone brings a comfort food from childhood
29) Go to First Dam and feed the ducks
30) Take a class in something
31) Cook a turkey
32) Make big bubbles--Another thing I've never done but always wanted to
33) Visit a museum--I love museums! It's a dream of mine to go to the Smithsonian
34) Make five loaves of bread--Want to improve my bread making skills
35) Go on a picnic
36) Make a roast beef with all the trimmings
37) Make my own snow globe
38) Do the butterfly habitat--Gives the chance to watch caterpillars turn into butterflies
39) Go to the aquarium in Sandy
40) Make pancakes with orange sugar--You sprinkle orange zested sugar on top of the pancake as soon as it is done. Sounds so good.
41) Finish Personal Progress as a leader
42) Get a papsmear and a mammogram
43) Make an embroidered dish towel or a pillowcase
44) Make the chiffon pie--Vanilla mousse, fresh raspberries, enough said
45) Make someone breakfast in bed.
46) Make naturally dyed Easter eggs
47) Make homemade peanut butter cups for Halloween
48) Get certified in first aid and CPR
49) Do a "This is me" photo shoot--an idea I've wanted to do for awhile
50) Make homemade cracker jacks with prizes
51) Go to Bear Lake--I want to go to the "cool" side. Apparently the only times I've been I've been to the wrong side.
52) Make homemade pasta
53) Make homemade Christmas candles
54) Go on a hike with Vicki
55) Make my own yogurt crumble
56) Have a European feast of croissants and hot chocolate
57) Try one new hairstyle
58) Make a Serendipity sundae--From the Serendipity ice cream shop in New York
59) Make campfire muffins in orange peels
60) Read 10 family history stories
61) Have a classic game night--Clue, scrabble, card games, all the classics
62) Grow a plant from a seed.
63) Get a Hokalia snow cone
64) Try a new fruit
65) Have a game night with the Binghams--Ready any time you are Tracy!
66) Submit hymn lyrics for the new hymn book
67) Write five memoir stories
68) Watch a classic movie I've never seen before.
69) Make a braided loaf of bread
70) Get some cheese at Gossners
71) Walk the new Logan River Trail
72) Write a letter to the editor of the paper
73) Take a personal day off of work that is just for me
74) While I'm in La Grande, cook dinner or make dessert for MacDonalds and Pettits together
75) Rediscover a favorite childhood summertime ritual or pastime
76) Make a tablecloth
77) Research how to pick the perfect watermelon and successfully pick 5
78) Have a summer breakfast party
79) Have a Disney night
80) Make homemade lemon soap
81) Do the 56 lists--A lists of lists I found on Pinterest to help you when you are feeling down.
82) Learn how to make paper frogs
83) Read all of Elder Maxwells BYU/I/Hawaii devotional talks
84) Learn how to make handkerchief dolls
85) Make stained glass window cookies--a childhood Christmas cookies
86) Make a comfort drawer
87) Make 5 salads
88) Have an Altoids tin challenge with Adam--We each try to build something cool with an Altoids tin
89) Make a special delivery breakfast to someone of homemade pancake mix and syrup
90) Have a summer picnic in January
91) Invite neighbors over for homemade ice cream under the paper lanterns
92) Do a cereal cafe
93) Watch the sunrise in La Grande
94) Make essential oil play dough
95) Make cheese fondue
96) Have a milk and cookies party
97) Make a fairy garden
98) Make fried chicken
99) Clean out my closet/drawers
100) Make a fancy cake
101) Read the list of happy books I made several years ago.
Going to be a great 1001 days! End date: March 27th, 2021!

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