1) The difference between giving up and letting go, is that giving up is about fear. Letting go is about faith.
2) Change is not about eradicating your comfort zone. It's about expanding it.
3) Forgiveness means that you no longer use a person's past mistakes as a yardstick for measuring other people in your life.
4) The true art of simplifying is not found in the elimination of what it special, but rather in the ability to find the special in what is simple.
5) Whenever we assume and define God's will as whatever is the opposite of our own, we could be missing out on the things that God wants for us that we want too.
6) One of the great fallacies among many members of the church is that they assume that they only need to be spiritually born again, and therefore remain toddlers all their lives. We are spiritually born again, and then we must spiritually grow up --Learned from Brother Satterfield, my college religion professor.
7) At any time, in any circumstance, it is possible to make a little magic. --My mom taught me that!
8) Being humbled is not about God setting us up to fail so we can learn a lesson. It's about learning where our true strength lies.
9) God's protection doesn't mean He will stop whatever we don't want to happen from happening. Sometimes he does stop the bad thing from happening. Some times he lessens the effects. Some times he strengthens us so we can't feel the burdens. I don't know or understand everything, but I do know that God is never blind-sided.
10) If we listened to the inner critic we would never do anything because we would never have enough time or talent and there would always be better things to do.
11) "I am a child of God and He has sent me here."
12) Life is full of wonderful surprises if we are open to them.
13) "Believe in your associates. Believe in your companions. Believe in others. Don't go around tearing people down. The Lord doesn't want that. He doesn't want us to spend our time destorying others. He expects us to build and sustain and cultivate and nurture and strengthen our associates. Wonderful things happen when you go forth with that kind of attitude" President Hinckley.
14) When something is troubling you, put it on the altar and let the Lord give you back the strength to deal with it--Learned from my friend Vicki Wilkins
15) It says in the Bible that we are supposed to be the salt of the Earth. The thing about salt is that you can't describe it. It's unique and the only one of its kind. That's what we should be. Satan is all about counterfeit and copies. Salt is unique. Children of God are unique.--Learned from Brian Steiner
16) To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts--Henry David Thoreau
17) Being strong and proud and being strong and humble are two very different things--Learned from Erica Steiner
18) There are times when I have a "Gadiantion Robber" inside my head, robbing me of my peace. Do I build it up, or cast it out?
19) "Suffer the little children to come to me." He still calls that to the little girl inside of me.
20) I am a priority to our Savior and Heavenly Father and so is everyone who has ever lived.
21) "One plus God is sufficient." --Learned from Virginia H Pearce
22) "With intellectual curiosity, the world will always be full of magic and wonder" --Learned from Marjorie Hinckley.
23) "Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey and share our love with friends and family." --Learned from President Monson
24) "You did then what you knew how to do. And when you knew better, you did better."--Learned from Maya Angelou
25) You are never too old to love a doll or cherish a teddy bear
26) Home truly is where the heart is.
27) You may not have a plan but God ALWAYS does.
28) Service is joy. --Learned from Cindy Hall (In addition to how to paint a room, fix a fence, and use an electric sander.)
29) We all have things we can work on, ways we can be better. Let this inspire you, not condemn you.
30) Trials are gifts in so many ways, but an important one is because we "get it" when people we love are going through their own trials-- My dad taught me that
31) Journeys are different. Each person's is special and unique and if something is true for one person, it doesn't always mean it is true for someone else.
32) Take more time for play and self-care --Learned from Brian Steiner
33) Friendships as well as families are forever.--Learned from Neal A. Maxwell
34) If you can endure to the end, you will have eons of perfect days--Learned from Rhonda Shelton
35) Let's choose to focus on our contributions, not our deficiencies. Because someone breathes easier when we are near.--Learned from Rachel Macy Stafford)
36) The difference between an ordeal and an adventure is your attitude.
37) Integrity isn't just about being honest and being true to what you know is right. It's about being true to yourself, who you are, and how you see the world.
38) Heavenly Father is truly in the details of our lives.
39) "Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life." Learned from Mark Twain
40) "When you swallow food, it goes down your esophagus, NOT your asparagus." --Learned from Jack. 💓😆

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